2019 Miss Black and Gold set for November 15

Pageant fever is the air as the members of the Eta Gamma Chapter and Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. gear up for the 2019 Miss Black and Gold Scholarship Competition. This year's pageant, themed: "Queens of the Nile Now” will feature some of the most dynamic, talented and progressive young women enrolled at Prairie View A&M University. The event will take place at the university on November 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the Opal Johnson Smith Auditorium, Willie A. Tempton, Sr. Memorial Student Center. Applications are now being accepted for the pageant. Interested young ladies my write to missblackandgoldprairieview@gmail.com or missblackandgoldpv.wixsite.com/missblackandgoldpv for more information.
