Miss Old Gold & Black Scholarship Competition . . . Some people dream of success. We make it happen.
Meet the 2022-23 Contestants
The 2022-23 Black and Gold Pageant under the theme: "She Who Looks to the Moon" features nine of the most dynamic, devastating, talented and progressive young women at Prairie View A&M University. The pageant is on January 28, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. on Instagram @missblackandgoldpv and the YouTube Network.
The Pageant promises to be an extravagant production for your entertainment pleasure. We invite you to support the contestant of your choice and the pageant in general by purchasing an advertisement or sponsorship.
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Aija Powell, contestant #1-A junior education major from Dallas, Tx. Post graduation Aija aspires to become an educator and kick start her hair business world wide. Her philosophy in life is Practice makes improvement. Her platform is building up the self esteem in young adults so they know for themselves that they have a purpose

Born in Bronx, New York, raised in North Carolina, moved to Texas Sophomore year of high school. Graduated from Seven Lakes High School. Furthering her education in an accelerated nursing program after obtaining her BS in Health with a Minor in Kinesiology. She is a growing humanitarian, she enjoys giving back to the community by hosting charity events. Active member of NAACP and Ladies empowering the world (LEW) Philosophy of life: be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.

Gabrielle aspires to be a travel neonatal nurse practitioner . She is currently a Sophomore Pre-Nursing Major with a Minor in Health . Her philosophy of life is a biblical quote “The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life whom shall I be afraid of” Psalms 27:1. Gabrielle is currently an active member in the Sophomore Class Council, Campus Activities Board, Sisters Improving Sisterhood, Helping Advancing the Lives of Others

Kailey Arionne Joseph, Contestant #4. She is a 20 year old Sophomore majoring in Business Marketing and Minoring in Dance from the the home of cajun and creole Lafayette, Louisiana she dedicates her free time to Campus Activities Board, Helpers Advancing the Life of Others, Chi Tau Epsilon Honor Society & Volunteering at H.T. Jones Elementary School. After graduation, Kailey plans on being the CEO of her own hair product company. Her platform “Breaking Down Barriers”.

hloe-nyrée Thai Tolbert, Contestant #5, 19-year-old Sophomore Pre-Nursing student with a Minor in Health, from Dallas, Texas. Chloe is involved in HALO, SGA, CAB, HOV, PALS, SIS and Royal Court. Chloe’s platform is The Golden Link. The Golden Link will stimulate professional growth and leadership development amongst black youth by incorporating mentorship programs, leadership workshops, and networking opportunities throughout HBCU student leaders. Plans to become a pediatric nurse.

Ireanne Dubose a 22-year-old senior, majoring in Teacher Education, with a concentration in English Language Arts in Reading 4-8. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, but raised in the lovely city of Houston. Her philosophy in life is to be happy and healthy. Whenever she is not in classroom her time is dedicated to the panther dolls dance team along with the National Honor Society of leaders and Success. Miss Dubose enjoys spending quality time with her family, teaching dance skills to young adults.

A junior psychology major from Arlington, Texas. Her philosophy of life is surrounded by biblical teachings as she lives by the Proverbs 31 woman. Gabrielle plans to work with at risk youth in high schools to address any mental health challenges children may present. Her platform is simply being a BABY, Building A Better Youth through mentorship programs. This platform will consist of a mentorship helping youth grow into powerful influencers in their communities.

A Junior Kinesiology Major from Prince George’s County ,Maryland and a graduate of Duke Ellington School of the Arts. Her platform is “The Golden Act” which highlights and encourages the application of the performing arts within our youth in the black community. After graduation, Skyy aspires to start her career as an Athletic Trainer working with collegiate sports teams. Here on campus Skyy member of Campus Activities Board , Chi Tau Epsilon, Head Captain of the Panther Dolls Dancer.

he is a 20-year-old Junior Health Major from the dazzling city of Dallas , Tx . When not in class she works closely with Morally Educated Leaders Attaining Noble Identities Naturally in other words MELANIN as an active eboard member , a member of protect the village volunteers and co ceo of creating an annual clothing drive. Following graduation , she plans to further her education in a Physician Assistant Program and specialize in Pediatrics or Family Medicine.

The crown is the symbol of royalty and the winner gets to represent the Chapters at various functions and external pageants.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.“ ~ Maya Angelou
“Memories of our lives, of our works, and our deeds will continue in others.” ~ Rosa Parks
Frederick V. Roberts, Executive Director