Miss Old Gold & Black Scholarship Competition . . . Some people dream of success. We make it happen.
Meet the 2018-19 Contestants
The 2018-19 Black and Gold Pageant under the theme: "Black Magic Woman: Mahogany Transformation" featured twelve of the most dynamic, devastating, talented and progressive young women at Prairie View A&M University. The pageant is set for February 1, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Opal Johnson Smith Auditorium and promises to be an extravagant production for your entertainment pleasure

Arlington, Texas - Mansfield Summit High School Digital Media Arts/Sophomore CAREER AMBITION: To own a graphic design firm Philosophy of life: “Service Has No Limit” TALENT: Speed Painting - Scholarship Recipient of the Beaux and Debs for Christ at Church Platform is Youth Striving for Greatness

Houston, Texas - Bellaire High School Mass Communication/Junior CAREER AMBITION: To become an award-winning director, screenwriter and producer Philosophy of life: To thrive with passion, compassion, humor and some style. TALENT: Poetry/Spoken Word Lambda Pi Eta Member, Tutoring, mentoring through Panther Advisory Leaders and Honor Roll Student Platform: Black Mental Wellness in undergrad and post-graduate students

Phoenix, Arizona - Cypress Woods High School Marketing/Senior CAREER AMBITION: To become a business owner with my personal makeup and hair care line. Philosophy of life: To always strive to be the best version of yourself TALENT: Makeup Artistry

Houston, Texas TALENT: Spoken Word Philosophy of Life:

Houston, Texas - James Madison High School Chemistry-Biomedical/Senior CAREER AMBITION: To become a 3rd level Neonatal Nurse Philosophy of Life: I am not a statistic, I am not what I come from. TALENT: Lyrical Dance PVAMU Marching Storm - most outstanding fox captain/section of the year, Collegiate 100, Tau Beta Sigma-Epsilon Psi. Secretary 2018 PLATFORM: Unapologetically Me-guiding young women to be unapologetically imperfect

Garland, Texas - North Garland High School Business Marketing/Sophomore CAREER AMBITION: To become an Internet Marketing Coordinator Philosophy of Life: Never regret being kind, standing for what you believe in TALENT: Spoken Word Interscholastic League Press Conference (ILPC), Social Media Award, University Interscholastic League (UIL), Marketing Award for filming, directing and editing a commercial; Program that empowers young girl in the community PLATFORM: Impacting mental health & healing

Arlington, Texas - Crowley High School Criminal Justice/Psychology - Junior CAREER AMBITION: To become an attorney and owning a practice. Philosophy of Life: To motivate and inspire others, and lead by example. TALENT: A Mime Dance. PVAMU SGA, Miss Freshman/Miss Sophomore Candidate, North Texas/National COMTO and Fort Worth Transportation Scholarships, Arlington Foundation for Excellence in Education, Dallas & Arlington Union Gospel Mission PLATFORM: E’3 - Excelling, Encouraging, and Elevating

Allen, Texas - Allen High School Nursing/Sophomore CAREER AMBITION: To become a Pediatric Intensive Care nurse and a Medical Doctor/Pediatric Anesthetists Philosophy of Life: What is meant for me will happen. TALENT: Dramatic Monologue Dean’s List; Ad Campaign for Miss USA 2008 Crystal Stewart’s Miss Academy, Panther Advisor Leaders (PALS) – Mentor for Freshmen students and Prairie View Student Nursing Association (PVSNA) PLATFORM: Empowerment Within

Dallas, Texas - David W. Carter High School Criminal Justice Major Minor in Dance/Sophomore CAREER AMBITION: To work for the FBI, become a professional dancer and own a dance studio Philosophy of life: Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life TALENT: Contemporary Dance World Title Miss Elks Beauty & Talent Pageant, Girls Track Academic All-State Team, Volunteer North Texas Food Bank, Mentor Mark Twain Elementary, Homeless Christmas Project PLATFORM: Making My Mark

Houston, Texas - Westfield High Criminal Justice/Social Work - Senior CAREER AMBITION: To create MYG - Motivating Young Girls Non-profit Organization Philosophy of life: Seek validation from no one TALENT: Spoken Word PV CHOICE AWARDS - Best Dressed Female, Organization of The Year, New Organization of the Year, CPR Certified, Community Emergency Response Team, Karizma Lupus Foundation, Domestic Violence fashion show, Panther Advisory Leaders. PLATFORM: M.Y.G. (Motivating Young Girls)

Tomball, Texas - Tomball Memorial High School Political Science/Business Marketing - Sophomore CAREER AMBITION: To become a Policy Analyst, start an AgriBusiness firm and expand my non-profit Philosophy of life: The greatest leader must be the greatest servant TALENT: Instrument - Double Bass The Dean's List, featured in the African American News & Newspaper, founder and CEO of Fashion for our Future Stars. PLATFORM: Fashion for our Future Stars - empower young girls to rise

Houston, Texas - Benjamin O. Davis High Nursing - Sophomore CAREER AMBITION: To become a labor and delivery nurse and a nurse practitioner, operating my own practice Philosophy of life: Money can be made back but time and experiences can’t TALENT: Spoken Word Purple Jackets (Co-Chair Community Service), Purple Jacket of the month, National Society for Collegiate Scholars and Honor Roll, Volunteer Homecoming Campus Clean Up, Houston Food Bank, PLATFORM: You can achieve anything you desire
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.“ ~ Maya Angelou
“Memories of our lives, of our works, and our deeds will continue in others.” ~ Rosa Parks
Frederick V. Roberts, Executive Director