Miss Old Gold & Black Scholarship Competition . . . Some people dream of success. We make it happen.
The Competition . . .
Some people dream of success. We make it happen.

The competition places heavy emphasis on scholarship and encourages the young women to pursue and achieve academic success. Yes . . . Grades Do Matter! (30Points

and Fitness Competition
The Lifestyle and Fitness Competition will replace is designed to showcase the young lady in terms of her physical form in relation to her concern for health and well-being.
The contestant is judged in either swimwear or lifestyle and fitness attire. If the contestants choose to wear swimwear, a sarong may now be worn throughout the entire time on stage.
The judges take into consideration the contestants’ carriage, walk and confidence.
(10 Points)
The talent competition carries the highest number of and the disproportionate scoring in this phase of competition shows the MB&G's concern for excellence in the presentation of the talent. The talent competition is not intended to be an end, but an insight into the contestant's preparatory and performance skills.
Each candidate must perform a talent presentation within a 2-minutes and 30 seconds period on stage. Scoring is based on creativity, technical ability, appropriateness of selection and costume, and stages presence during a vocal, instrumental, dramatic, dance or spoken word. (30 Points)

Personal Interview
The Private Interview is the first competition in which the judges will meet each contestant. The basic tool for conducting this interview, is the contestant's fact sheet that is a resume' of personal credits and a guide for getting to know the contestant. Cues to personality and ability are usually given one on one.
Correct, concise and relevant questions ranging from world affairs to state and local politics, to ambitions and goals, to personal interests, career plans, family and friends are very important points to consider. No questions are prohibited; the judges are asked to not become too personal and stay within the bounds of good taste. (25 Points)

Evening Wear
The evening wear is an on-stage statement that is designed for the contestant to project her personality, both in taste and selection of evening wear.
The judges study the contestant in motion, paying attention to her walk, position of arms and hands, and modeling techniques.
The judges first impression is valued as they consider the contestant's total look, taking note that the outfit and the woman complement each other. (15 Points)

The first on-stage competition is the Achievement and Projection. This competition gives the judges an opportunity to see how well the contestant coordinated her selection of wardrobe in relation to her major area of study, exhibition of creativity and good taste, and carriage and posture.
The judges are looking for the contestant whose appearance matches her personal taste and creativity, and complements her she articulates her message. (10 Points)
Oral Expression
This is the final phase of
competition where you will have
the opportunity to view and hear
the contestant express herself extemporaneously on an impromptu question.
Listen as the contestant makes her speech or responds extemporaneously to the on-stage impromptu question. Her richness of voice, expressions, vocabulary, and sincerity must show through. Did she express herself clearly?
The contestant is judged on clarity, vocabulary, beliefs and sincerity to the answer. (15 Points)

The Peoples Choice
This category is open to the people - friends, families and others - to cast their votes for the contestant of their choice for a charge. Funds raised will support the pageant. The winner also will receive a special award. Other Details to come.

"The competition is so balanced so that each contestant has the opportunity to shine in each category to her abilities."